Can You Be A Werewolf And A Vampire In Skyrim
Olivia Luz

Vampire lord skill tree.
If you want to be a vampire and a werewolf there s a glitch for that. These perks can only be unlocked through special means namely feeding on corpses as a vampire or werewolf. Detect all creatures night power. But it doesn t work the other way around.
Detect all creatures even dwarven automatons. Just complete the companions quest line to marry her. To become a vampire in skyrim one only needs to be attacked by a random vampire roaming around skyrim. With the dawnguard expansion this becomes easier given their increased population.
You can do one side of dg as a werewolf. Meanwhile becoming a werewolf is pretty much the skyrim equivalent of a fraternity hazing. 1 play companion quest line till you get asked to be changed into a werewolf in the underforge 2 start the dawnguard questline you can go to the cave then on to fort dawnguard even if you havn t hit lvl 10 yet and play till after being a vamp lord and you have serana with you in party 3 go to the underforge at night save the game at the fountain incase you mess the timing of this up. But that requires you to be careful with quest progression to set it up which most people are not.
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Soooo i am not sure if this still works the same in skyrim as it did in norrowind but the work around was while you were afflicted with vamprisim there was a quest to turn you into a werewolf resulting in the benifit of both. You cannot be a vampire lord werewolf. No when you become a werewolf it cures the vampirism. It mostly happens to people who want to play as a hybrid.
Dg makes you into a vampire lord it has a transformation. Vampire lord skill tree. You can start it as a vampire but once you get to the. Lycanthropy can be cured by other means as.
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