Why Are Low Head Dams Dangerous To Small Boats

 Olivia Luz    

Low Head Dams

Low head dams are dangerous because people fail to realize that these dams are just as dangerous as larger dams.

They are also capable of drowning the entire kayak. This is reason enough to make a boater worry. The recirculating currents that trap recreators is dangerous enough on its own but there are other factors contributing to the danger at low head dams. The other reason why low head dams are dangerous and some would call this the main reason is that they create a vortex of water on the other side just beneath the water surface.

However for most of the people using a kayak this can be a nightmare to come. The movement of the water at the base can pull people under and trap them. At the very lip of that dam on the river left side there is a very small one boat concrete landing pad. The roar of the water can confuse boat operators backwash can pin you and your boat indefinitely the dam may not have any water on the other side they are always well marked giving you false confidence.

A low head dam is not only dangerous because the upstream higher side of the dam acts as a water strainer trapping a swimmer against the structure. The churning action below low head dams is dangerous for swimming boating fishing and other water recreational activities. Most importantly the low head dams are built to raise the water levels of the rivers. The low head dam is the most dangerous type of dam and has been named the drowning machine they may not be easily spotted because the top of a low head dam can be several feet below the water s.


It helps mostly the rural areas to get a higher amount of water supply to meet their requirements. Ba 17 why are low head dams dangerous to small boats and paddle craft. Low head dams are dangerous for small boats and rowing boats because the strong circular current below the dam can capture small ships and rowing boats and pull them under the dam. Low head dams to block the path of the water part and the water that moves over the dam produces a strong circular current at the bottom of the dam.

It is possible to be caught in a low head dam while moving upstream or downstream.

Low Head Dams

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Source : pinterest.com

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