Why Do My Hands Get Wrinkly In Water So Fast
Camila Farah

The skin on the fingers can become wrinkly or pruney when soaked in water.
When the epidermis of hands and feet is saturated with water it becomes swollen. Pruney fingers may serve an evolutionary role helping people grip wet objects or objects in water. However the deeper layer is firmly attached to the skin fibers. This pulls the skin structure downwards leading to the formation of wrinkles.
The truth is that while water may cause some upper layers of the skin to swell there s also an important role of blood vessels and nerve endings that help cause skin wrinkling. When hands are immersed in water the sympathetic nerve fiber is activated and the body temperature regulators in the skin called glomus bodies lose volume. One notable theory is that of digital vasoconstriction that is narrowing of blood vessels.
Source : pinterest.com